What we do not know is absolutely what we do not know. But, what we do not know can become known unto us only if we wish for what we do not know to be changed to known unto us and many other people that wish with their mind to know and to freely feel the totality to know what they know not to be know.
What is wrong with David or this blog owner, is he insane? No, I am not. What we do not know is what we wanna know and am glad you came all the way here to Sharingvi to know what you know not to be known cause we at sharing vital information are liable to do so.
For now, I am about to pour out the full notion on WiFi and it function totally and deeply.
The meaning: What is WiFi?
According to Sharingvi Lexicon (dictionary) WiFi is a wireless connection built up to support anyone in browsing without the use of SIM card such as Airtel, Glo, 9mobile in accessing the internet.
Kinds of Wifi
Have this in mind that am not just writing this post for traffic purpose. But, am kinda sharing for all to have notion and knowledge on what WiFi is all about. So, what are the kind of WiFi we have?
1. WiFi built in phones.
2. WiFi built on it own.
What then are the WiFi built in Phones?
Phone WiFi is the Network signal with three slash in oval form vertically arranged together beside or around your Android panel. The diagram below will point out on of the Wifi in a Samsung phone am making use off.
What then are the WiFi built on it own? or The Self built WiFi
The self built WiFi also tends about the support of Wireless Connection that can assist you in browsing and surfing online. But, the self inbuilt WiFi are not found in phone just exactly as the word "Self" they are built no in phone but they just stand alone. Some examples of such WiFi are spectanet,
Ntel WiFi Devices
Smile WiFi Devices
If you are not aware or enlighten this post is not just about a post to post on only. I am intending to bring about How to connect to WiFi that have password for free you can submit and comfirm your email to get latest post from Sharngvi by clicking on this link . Also, you are free to ask any questions you do not understand on Wifi next browsing technique for all