How to Get $420 By Downloading These 5 Apps So Simple

Okay this one is about as simple as it gets. Also read Ten Work To Do From Home.
Companies like Google and Nielsen are hungry for data on web usage trends (what sites we’re visiting, how long we’re staying on Facebook, etc.) so they’ve started to pay regular people to share this information with them.
There are a number of these apps out there (and we’ve covered a few of them before). The way they work is that you install the app on your smartphone and they will pay you for every month you keep it installed.
It doesn’t interfere with your data package and you don’t have to answer a bunch of survey questions every month. Just install them and forget about them. The reward for that?
If you download all five apps, you could earn an extra $420 this year! Not too shabby, right? 
Here’s how to do it…

1. MobileXpression for Android ($25+)

MobileXpression is a research company that studies internet trends and reports to their clients about the popularity of different mobile phone websites. They are currently looking for a few thousand of us cell phone users to share some of the websites we are browsing on our mobile devices. All of the sharing is done with a special software that is installed on your phone and it doesn’t require any real work from you. You can also uninstall the software at any time if you decide you no longer want to participate.
This one can be downloaded on most smartphones/tablet. After you’ve installed it for 1 week, you get to play an instant rewards game for a prize (everyone wins something). I won a $25 gift card to Amazon, but some of the other prizes include iPads & Samsung TVs.
How it works…
1. Sign up at MobileXpression here – You’ll need to share a little bit of information about your demographic which is similar to signing up as a Nielsen household.
2. Download their software – It seems to be pretty easy and it runs in the background of your phone just like any other cell phone app. The site says it will have no affect on your mobile phone performance.
3. Send your data – This step doesn’t really require any work from you as the software automatically send the relevant data to MobileXpression. They don’t monitor your phone calls or personal information but they do check out the web pages you view, the links you access, and the usage times for certain device activities (e.g., text messaging, call lengths, and web browsing).
4. Collect your rewards – After it’s been installed for seven days, you can play their instant rewards game where you are guaranteed to win something.

2. Nielsen Mobile Panel (Up to $50/Year)

You know the company that tracks TV rating? Well, apparently they also want to measure the popularity of websites and online videos. From Nielsen’s site:
“In order for us to report accurate data to the mobile industry, we use Nielsen’s proprietary applications and profiles to measure the normal activity of your phone, tablet, or other mobile device. All data transmitted is encrypted and anonymous. All you have to do is download the Nielsen Mobile App or install our profile, depending on your device, and then continue using your mobile device as you usually do – that’s it! The Nielsen Mobile software is undetectable and will not affect your device’s performance or battery life.”
Want to give it a try?
1. The Nielsen company will pay you $50/year to keep their app on your cell phone. Sign up here (You cannot directly download this from the app store).
2. Once you’ve registered they will send you instructions on how to install the app. After completing the installation, you’ll be asked to restart your phone.
As a member of the Nielsen Mobile Panel, you’ll earn up to $50 a year just for using your phone like you normally do.

3. Placed Panel App ($50/Year?)

This new app works very similarly. It’s a little newer so we’re not completely sure what the earnings potential is, but from what I can tell it’s around $50/year.
For every month that you keep it installed, Placed rewards you with points which can be turned in for sweepstakes entries or they can be redeemed for cash.
The first month I only earned $5, but the second month I earned $10… I’ll keep you posted on my future earnings.

4. Media Insiders Panel (Up to $15/month + $5 Bonus after 12 weeks = $185/year)

This company has an ongoing project to help media companies better understand how consumers use, view and share TV, social, digital and mobile media. Their app “measures activities conducted on a device, such as sharing, viewing, clicking, chatting, downloading and more. The app also listens for TV shows, and, using technology of Gracenote, Inc., identifies which TV shows was captured.”
Also, at no time is a member’s personally identifiable information ever shared or released publicly, nor will they ever interact with you via social media.
If you install their app, they’ll pay you $5/month per device. And you can install the app on up to 3 devices. Plus they’ll send you a $5 bonus after the 12th week.
Here’s how to do it:
1. Sign up at Media Insiders Panel
2. Install and activate the MI Mobile app onto your device(s).
3. Watch your e-mail for important information and instructions on next steps.
Here are the devices that they support:
  • Android™ smartphones and tablets that run Android version 4.0 or greater, and are not rooted. We also accept the Kindle Fire HD, but not the first generation Kindle Fire.
  • iPhone®5, iPad®, iPad mini®, and iPod touch® devices that run iOS version 5.0 or greater.
***You’ve got be a US resident, 13 years or older, and have a valid email address.

5. Screenwise Panel  ($8 after week 1, $2/week after that  = $110/year)

The panel is designed to help Google understand web and mobile usage better — such as what times of day people browse, how long they stay on websites and use apps, and what types of sites and apps are popular (or not).
As a Screenwise Trends panelist, you’ll add a browser extension and/or mobile meter that will share with Google the sites you visit, the apps you use, and how you use them. Screenwise promises that it runs in the background and won’t slow anything down.
They’ll give you $8 after you’ve been signed up for 7 days and you’ll get an additional $2 every week after that. The “cash” rewards come in the form of a gift card (you can pick between Walmart, Papa Johns, Barnes & Noble, and a bunch of others…)
You must install this one on Chrome, Internet Explorer or Firefox. Signup for Screenwise here.
I know $495/year doesn’t sound like a ton of money. But, think of it like this – if you put that into a retirement account at Lending Club and earned 14% year (pretty easy to do at Lending Club, here’s a link to my strategy), you’ll have saved $201,334.82 saved up in 30 years!! 

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